Current Research

Darrell Rohl’s Research on the classical and late antique periods of Tell Hisban

My current Jordanian research focuses on the classical and late antique periods, particularly in the vicinity of Tall Hisban. I have been tasked with completing the synthetic report for the site’s Late Roman/Byzantine strata, and I am working with the project’s co-directors to prepare new excavations of one of the site’s three Byzantine churches for summer 2018. I have recently begun preparing a monograph, Hesban 8: The Diachronic Production of Place and Culture in Late Roman–Early Islamic Jordan, Hisban ca. AD 200–700, as part of the Hesban Final Publication Series, published by Andrews University Press. This will build upon previously unpublished excavation records, two unpublished PhD theses (i.e. Lawlor 1990; Storfjell 1983), and the results of carefully targeted new excavation and survey fieldwork.


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