Preparatory Reading

Arab/Jordanian Culture and History

Abujaber, R.
1980 The Jordanians and the People of Jordan. Amman: Royal Scientific Society Press.
1989 Pioneers Over Jordan: The Frontier of Settlement in Transjordan, 1850-1914. London: I.B. Tauris & Co. Ltd,.
Abujaber, R., et al.
1978 Bedouin of Jordan: A People in Transition. Amman: Royal Scientific Society Press.
Al Madfai, M. Rashid
1993 Jordan, the United States and the Middle East Peace Process, 1974-1991. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Amin, M., D. Willets, S. Kiley
1994 Journey Through Jordan. Nairobi: Camerapix Publishers International.
Antoun, R.
1972 Arab Village: A Social Structural Study of a Transjordanian Peasant Community. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
Gubser, P.
1983 Jordan: Crossroads of Middle Eastern Events. Boulder, CO: Westview Press.
1991 Historical Dictionary of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow Press.
Layne, L.
1994 Home and Homeland: The Dialogics of Tribal and National Identities in Jordan. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Nowar, M.
1989 The History of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. Vol. 1. Oxford: Ithaca Press.
* Nydell, M. - Important Reading
1988 Understanding Arabs: A Guide for Westerners. Yarmouth, ME: Intercultural Press. P.O. Box 768 (zip 04096). Phone -- (207) 846-5168.
Rogan, E., T. Tell
1994 Village, Steppe and State: The Social Origins of Modern Jordan. London, New York: British Academic Press.
Rollin, Sun and Jan Streetly
1996 Blue Guide: Jordan. London: A&C Black and New York: WW Norton.
Salibi, K.
1993 The Modern History of Jordan. London: I.B. Tauris.
Satloff, R.
1994 From Abdullah to Hussein: Jordan in Transition. New York: Oxford University Press.
Taylor, J.
1991 High Above Jordan. Amman: Argo Films.
1993 Petra. London: Aurum Press Ltd.
Wilson, M.
1990 King Abdullah, Britain and the Making of Jordan. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Wilson, R.
1991 Politics and the Economy in Jordan. London: Routledge.
Business Traveller's Handbook: A Guide to the Middle East.
Facts on File, Inc., 460 Park Avenue South, New York, NY 10016
Insight Guides: Jordan (with sections on The West Bank and Syria)
1994 Houghton Mifflin Co. APA Publications (HK) Ltd.
Spectrum Guide to Jordan.
1994 Moorland Publishing Co., Ltd. Nairobi: Camerapix Publishers International.


Al Kutba Jordan Guide Series (mostly by Rami Khouri)
A series of booklets on archaeological sites in Jordan, including: Amman, Aqaba, Desert Castles, Jerash, Kerak (with Shobak and Ajlun), King's Highway, Madaba (with Mt. Nebo), Pella, Petra, Um Qais, Um al-Jimmal, and Wadi Rum. Amman: Al Kutba Publishers.
Bienkowski, P.
1991 The Art of Jordan -- Treasures From an Ancient Land. National Museums & Galleries on Merseyside.
Donnan, G.
1994 The King's Highway: A Journey Through 10,000 Years of Civilization in the Land of Jordan. Amman: Al Kutba.
Dornemann, R.H.
1983 The Archaeology of the Transjordan. Milwaukee: Milwaukee Public Museum.
Geraty, L.T. and Herr, L.G., eds.
1986 The Archaeology of Jordan and Other Studies. Berrien Springs, MI: Andrews University Press.
Glueck, N.
1970 The Other Side of the Jordan. Cambridge, MA: ASOR.
Hadidi, A., ed.
1982 Studies in the History and Archaeology of Jordan I. Amman: Department of Antiquities.
1985 Studies in the History and Archaeology of Jordan II. Amman: Department of Antiquities.
Harding, L.
1967, 1990 The Antiquities of Jordan (Revised). Amman: Jordan Distribution Agency.
Hendrix, Ralph E., Philip R. Drey, J. Bjrnar Storfjell.
1996 Ancient Pottery of Transjordan: An Introduction Utilizing Published Whole Forms. Berrien Springs, MI: Institute of Archaeology/Horn Archaeological Museum.
Herr, Larry G. - Important Reading
1997 "The Iron II Period: Emerging Nations" in Biblical Archaeologist 60/3:114-183.
1999 The Ammonites in the Late Iron Age and Persian Period. Pp. 219-237 in Ancient Ammon, eds. B. MacDonald and R. W. Younker. Leiden: Brill.
* Herr, L. G. and Clark, D. R. - Important Reading
* 2001 Excavating the Tribe of Reuben. Biblical Archaeology Review 27.2: 36-47, 64-66.
Levy, T.E.; Daviau, P.M.M.; Younker, R.W.; Shaer, M. (eds.)
2007 Crossing Jordan: North American Contributions to the Archaeology of Jordan, London: Equinox.
** London, G.A.; Clark, D.R. (eds.) - REQUIRED READING
1997 Ancient Ammonites and Modern Arabs: 5,000 Years in the Madaba Plains of Jordon. Amman: American Center of Oriental Research. (Available through La Sierra University)
McDonald, B.
1994 Ammon, Moab and Edom: Early States/Nations of Jordan in the Biblical Period. Amman: Al Kutba.
2000 “East of the Jordan”: Territories and Sites of the Hebrew Scriptures. Atlanta: ASOR.
Piccirillo, M.
1993 The Mosaics of Jordan. Amman: American Center of Oriental Research.
Other readings on the archaeology of Palestine and archaeological method are always helpful.
Clark, D.R.
1994 The Iron I Western Defense System at Tell el-`Umeiri, Jordan, Biblical Archaeologist, 57/3:138 148.
1996 Early Iron I Pillared Building at Tall al-`Umayri, Biblical Archaeologist, 59:4, p. 241.
Clark, D.R., Cole, J., Sandness, G.
1997 Landscape Resources and Human Occupation of Ancient Jordan: A Perspective From Subsurface Mapping Techniques Utilized by the Madaba Plains Project in Studies in the History and Archaeology of Jordan VI, Amman: The Department of Antiquities, pp. 131-138.
** Clark, D.R., Herr, L.G., LaBianca, O. S., Younker, R.W., eds. - Important Reading
2011 (May) The Madaba Plains Project: Forty Years of Archaeological Research into Jordan’s Past. London: Equinox.
Herr, L.G.
1999 Tall al-`Umayri and the Reubenite Hypothesis. Eretz Israel 26: 64-77.
2000a Tell el-`Umayri and the Madaba Plains Region during the Late Bronze-Iron Age I Transition. Pp. 251-264 in Mediterranean Peoples in Transition: Thirteenth to Early Tenth Centuries BCE. In Honor of Professor Trude Dothan, eds. S. Gitin; A.Mazar; and E. Stern. Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society.
2000b The Settlement and Fortification of Tell al-`Umayri in Jordan during the LB/Iron I Transition. Pp. 167-179 in The Archaeology of Jordan and Beyond: Essays in Honor of James A. Sauer. Winona Lake: Eisenbrauns.
** Herr, L.G.; Clark, D.R. - REQUIRED READING (2009)
2007 Tall al-`Umayri through the Ages. Pp. 121-128 in Crossing Jordan: North American Contributions to the Archaeology of Jordan ed. Thomas E. Levy, P.M. Michele Daviau, Randall W. Younker and May Shaer. London: Equinox.
* 2009 From the Stone Age to the Middle Ages in Jordan: Digging up Tall al-`Umayri. Near Eastern Archaeology 72/2: 68-97. (Available through La Sierra University)
Herr, L.G., Younker, R.W.
1998 Excavation Manual: Madaba Plains Project. Berrien Springs, MI: Andrews University Institute of Archaeology, Revised Edition
Younker, R.W.
1985 Israel, Judah, and Ammon and the Motifs on the Baalis Seal from Tell el-`Umeiri. Biblical Archaeologist 48: 173-180.
 1984 Season 
Geraty, L.T., et al.
1985 The Andrews University Madaba Plains Project: A Preliminary Report on the First Season at Tell el-`Umeiri. Andrews University Seminary Studies 23:85-110.
1986 Madaba Plains Project: A Preliminary Report on the 1984 Season at Tell el-`Umeiri and Vicinity. In Preliminary Reports of ASOR-Sponsored Excavations 1980-84 (BASOR Sup. 24), ed. Walter E. Rast, pp. 117-144.
Geraty, L.T., Herr, L.G., and LaBianca, Ø.S.
1987 A Preliminary Report on the First Season at Tell el-`Umeiri and Vicinity. Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan 31:187-199.
Geraty, L.T., Herr, L.G., and LaBianca, Ø.S., Younker, R.W. (eds.).
1989 Madaba Plains Project 1: The 1984 Season at Tell el- `Umeiri and Vicinity and Subsequent Studies. Berrien Springs, MI: Andrews University Press.
1987 Season
Geraty, et al.
1988 Madaba Plains Project: A Preliminary Report of the 1987 Season at Tell el-`Umeiri and Vicinity. In BASOR Supplement, pp. 1-40.
1989 Madaba Plains Project: The 1987 Season at Tell el-`Umeiri and Vicinity. Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan 33:145-176.
Geraty L.T., Herr, L.G., and LaBianca, Ø.S.
1988 The Joint Madaba Plains Project: A Preliminary Report on the Second Season at Tell El-`Umeiri and Vicinity (June 18 to August 6, 1987). Andrews University Seminary Studies 26:217-252.
Herr, L.G., Geraty, L.T., LaBianca, Ø.S., Younker, R.W. (eds.).
1992 Madaba Plains Project 2: The 1987 Season at Tell el-`Umeiri and Vicinity and Subsequent Studies. Berrien Springs, MI: Andrews University Press.
1989 Season
Herr, L.G., Geraty, L.T., LaBianca, Ø.S., Younker, R.W., Clark, D.R.
1997 Madaba Plains Project 3: The 1989 Season at Tell el-`Umeiri and Vicinity and Subsequent Studies. Berrien Springs, MI: Andrews University Press.
Herr, L.G., Geraty, L.T., LaBianca, Ø.S., and Younker
1991a Madaba Plains Project. Pp. 266-268 in B. De Vries, Archaeology in Jordan. American Journal of Archaeology 95: 253-280.
1991b Madaba Plains Project: The 1989 Excavations at Tell el-`Umeiri and Vicinity. Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan 35: 155-179.
LaBianca, Ø.S., Herr, L.G., Younker, R.W., Geraty, L.T., Clark, D.R.
1995 Madaba Plains Project: A Preliminary Report on the 1989 Season at Tell El-`Umeiri and Hinterland, in Preliminary Reports: Sardis, Bir Umm Fawakhir, Tell el-`Umeiri, The Combined Caesarea Expeditions, and Tell Dothan, Ed. William G. Dever. American Schools of Oriental Research, pp. 93-119.
Younker, R.W., Geraty, L.T., Herr, L.G., LaBianca, Ø.S.
1990 The Joint Madaba Plains Project: A Preliminary Report of the 1989 Season, Including the Regional Survey and Excavations at El-Dreijat, Tell Jawa, and Tell el-`Umeiri (June 19 to August 8, 1989). Andrews University Seminary Studies 28:5-52.
1992 Season
Clark, D.R., Geraty, L.T., Herr, L.G., LaBianca, Ø.S., Younker, R.W.
1994 "Madaba Plains Project" in Archaeology in Jordan, ed. Glen Peterman, American Journal of Archaeology 98/3 (July):525 in 521-559.
Herr, L.G., Geraty, L.T., LaBianca, Ø.S., Younker, R.W. (eds.)
1994 Madaba Plains Project: The 1992 Excavations at Tell el-`Umeiri, Tell Jalul, and Vicinity, Annual of the Department of Antiquities, XXXVIII: 147-172.
Herr, L.G., Geraty, L.T., LaBianca, Ø.S., Younker, R.W., Clark, D.R.
2000 Madaba Plains Project 4: The 1992 Season at Tall al`Umayri and Vicinity and Subsequent Studies. Berrien Springs, MI: Andrews University Press.
Younker, R.W., Geraty, L.T., Herr, L.G., LaBianca, Ø.S.
1993 The Joint Madaba Plains Project: A Preliminary Report of the 1992 Season, Including the Regional Survey and Excavations at Tell Jalul and Tell el-`Umeiri (June 16 to July 31, 1992). Andrews University Seminary Studies 31:205-238.
1994 Season
Clark, D.R., Geraty, L.T., Herr, L.G., LaBianca, Ø.S., Younker, R.W.
1995 "Madaba Plains Project," as part of Archaeology in Jordan, in American Journal of Archaeology 99 (1995):507-533.
Herr, L. G., Geraty, L.T., LaBianca, Ø.S., Younker, R.W., Clark, D.R.
1996 Madaba Plains Project 1994: Excavations at Tall al-`Umayri, Tall Jalul and Vicinity. Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan 40: 63-82.
Younker, R.W., Geraty, L.T., Herr, L.G., LaBianca, Ø.S., Clark, D.R.
1996 Preliminary Report of the 1994 Season of the Madaba Plains Project: Regional Survey, Tall El-`Umayri and Tall Jalul Excavations (June 15 to July 30, 1994). Andrews University Seminary Studies 34 (Spring 96):65-92.
Herr, L.G., Clark, D.R., Geraty, L.T., Younker, R.W., LaBianca, Ø.S., eds.
2002 Madaba Plains Project 5: The 1994 Season at Tall al-`Umayri and Subsequent Studies. Berrien Springs, MI: Andrews University Press.
1996 Season
Clark, D.R., Geraty, L.T., Herr, L.G., LaBianca, Ø.S., Younker, R.W.
1997 “Madaba Plains Project” in Archaeology in Jordan, edited by Bikai, Patricia M. and Virginia Egan in American Journal of Archaeology 101/3 (July):510-511.
Herr, L.G., Geraty, L.T., LaBianca, Ø.S., Younker, R.W., Clark, D.R.
1997 Madaba Plains Project 1996: Excavations at Tall al-`Umayri, Tall Jalul, and Vicinity in the Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan, Vol. XLI, pp. 145-167.
Younker, R. W., Herr, L.G., Geraty, L.T., LaBianca, Ø.S, Younker, R.W., Clark, D.R.
1997 Preliminary Report of the 1996 Season of the Madaba Plains Project: Regional Survey, Tall al-`Umayri and Tall Jalul Excavations. Andrews University Seminary Studies 35: 227-240.
1998 Season
Clark, D.R., Geraty, L.T., Herr, L.G., LaBianca, Ø.S., Younker, R.W.
1999 “Madaba Plains Project” in Archaeology in Jordan, in American Journal of Archaeology, 103/3 (July).
Clark, D.R.; Herr, L. G.; LaBianca, Ø.S.; and Geraty, L.T.
2000 Report on the 1998 Excavations by the Madaba Plains Project: Tell al-`Umayri and Tell Hisban. Occident and Orient 4.1-2: 40-41.
Herr, L.G., Clark, D.R., Geraty, L.T., and LaBianca, Ø.S.
Herr, L.G., Clark, D.R., Geraty, L.T., and LaBianca, Ø.S., Younker, R.W.
1999 Madaba Plains Project: Excavations at Tall al-`Umayri, 1998. Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan 43: 99-114.
2000 Madaba Plains Project: Tall al-`Umayri, 1998. Andrews University Seminary Studies 38: 29-44.
Herr, L.G., Clark, D.R., Geraty, L.T., and LaBianca, Ø.S., Younker, R.W.
2014 Madaba Plains Project `Umayri 6: The 1996 and 1998 Seasons at Tall al-`Umayri and Subsequent Studies.  Berrien Springs, MI: Andrews University Press.
2000 Season
Clark, D.R., Herr, L.G., Trenchard, W.C.
2001 "Tall al-`Umayri" in "Archaeology in Jordan." American Journal of Archaeology 105/3:439-440.
Clark, D.R., Herr, L.G., Trenchard, W.C., Geraty, L.T.
2000 "Madaba Plains Project: Tall al-`Umayri," American Center of Oriental Research Newsletter, 12/1 (Summer):5-6.
Herr, L.G., Clark, D.R., Trenchard, W.C.
2001 "Madaba Plains Project: Excavations at Tall al-`Umayri, 2000." Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan 45: 237-252.
2002 Madaba Plains Project: Tall al-`Umayri, 2000." Andrews University Seminary Studies 40/1: 105-123.
2002 Season
Clark, D.R., Herr, L.G.
2005 "Tell al-`Umayri," pp. 535-538 in "Archaeology in Jordan, 2004 Season," eds. Stephen H. Savage, Kurt A. Zamora, and Donald R. Keller. American Journal of Archaeology 109:527-555.
Herr, L.G., Clark, D.R.
2003 "Madaba Plains Project: Excavations at Tall al-`Umayri, 2002." The Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan 47: 279-294.
2004 "Madaba Plains Project - Tall al-`Umayri, 2002." Andrews University Seminary Studies, 42/1: 113-127.
2004 Season
Clark, D.R., Herr, L.G.
2004 "`Umayri 2004." Newsletter of the Institute of Archaeology, Horn Archaeological Museum, 25/4: 3.
2004 "Excavations at Tall al-`Umayri." ACOR Newsletter, 16/1 (Summer 2004): 4-5.
2005 "Tell al-`Umayri," pp. 535-538 in "Archaeology in Jordan, 2004 Season," eds. Stephen H. Savage, Kurt A. Zamora, and Donald R. Keller. American Journal of Archaeology 109:527-555.
Herr, L.G.; Clark, D.R.
2005 Madaba Plains Project: Excavations at Tall al-`Umayri, 2004. The Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan 49: 245-260.
2005 Madaba Plains Project - Tall al-`Umayri, 2004. Andrews University Seminary Studies, 43/2: 229-246.
2006 Season
Clark, D.R.; Herr, L.G.
2006 Tall al-`Umayri 2006. ACOR Newsletter, 18/1 (Summer 2006): 4-5.
2007 "Tall al-`Umayri" in Archaeology in Jordan, 2006 Season, ed. Steven H. Savage and Don R. Keller. American Journal of Archaeology, 111/3: 532-534.
Herr, L.G.
2007 Tall al-`Umayri, Horn Archaeological Museum Newsletter, 28/1: 1-2.
Herr, L.G., Clark, D.R.
2008 Madaba Plains Project-Tall al-`Umayri, 2006.  Andrews University Seminary Studies 46/1: 65-81.
2008 Madaba Plains Project: Excavations at Tall al-`Umayri, 2006. Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan 52: 181-202.
2008 Season
Herr, L.G., Clark, D.R.

Tall al `Umayri 2008. Newsletter of the Institute of Archaeology, Siegfried H. Horn Museum 29/4: 1-2.

Arabic Language

* Schick, R. - Highly Recommended
2009 Arabic for Archaeologists. Amman: American Center of Oriental Research. (Available through La Sierra University)
Book-of-the-Month Records, "Arabic Language 130": (Camp Hill, PA 17012).

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