Directors & Sponsors 2016

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Douglas Clark

Douglas R. Clark, Director
La Sierra University
4500 Riverwalk Parkway
Riverside, CA 92515
951 785-2632

Larry G. Herr Larry G. Herr, Field Director Emeritus
Burman University (retired)
235 College Avenue
College Heights, AB
403 782-3381
Lawrence T. Geraty

Lawrence T. Geraty, Founding Director
La Sierra University
4500 Riverwalk Parkway
Riverside, CA 92515
(951) 785-2393
Email Lawrence Geraty

Sponsored By:

La Sierra University in consortium with the School of Architecture at Andrews University Canadian University College, Mount Royal University, Pacific Union College, and Walla Walla University

A multi-disciplinary archaeological affiliation centered in Jordan and primarily sponsored by: Andrews University and La Sierra University.

As directors of the Madaba Plains Project-`Umayri (MPP-U), we want to express our appreciation to several individuals and groups for their support of our project. The Royal family of Jordan, especially HRH Prince Hassan, his daughter HRH Princess Sumaya and HRH Prince Raad, has long encouraged us in our work as well as providing numerous constructive suggestions for making the site archaeologically responsible and visitor-friendly. His Excellency, Mr. Akel Biltaji, former Minister of Tourism and Antiquities for several years, visited Tall al-`Umayri and the MPP-U camp on several occasions to provide ideas and encouragement. Dr. Ghazi Bisheh, former Director-General of the Department of Antiquities, has been actively engaged in the work of MPP for years, offering assistance in ways too numerous to list. So have two recent Directors-General of the Department of Antiquities, Drs. Fawwaz al-Kraysheh and Ziad al-Sa`ad, been helpful. Mr. Abdel Sami` Abu Diyyeh, in charge of Cultural Management Resources for the Department, supervised the first phase of reconstruction at `Umayri in 1999. Dr. Raouf Abujaber and other members of the Abujaber family have been extremely generous in allowing us to excavate on land belonging to them. Drs. Pierre and Patricia Bikai, formerly he as Director of the American Center of Oriental Research, have led the way in preparing sites for presentation. Current Director, Barbara Porter, has provided ongoing support. Department of Antiquities representatives, members of the MPP-U core staff, foreign and local participants in the project and scores of local laborers all deserve our appreciation for their help in making MPP-U a leading archaeological project in Jordan. We are also deeply indebted to the consortium institutions which underwrite the project– La Sierra University, the School of Architecture at Andrews University, Canadian University College, Mount Royal University, Pacific Union College, and Walla Walla University. We also wish to thank Rhonda Root, MPP-U artist, for her painting of the four-room house and the Late Bronze Age building, and the editors of Biblical Archaeology Review for permission to use several graphics in this presentation. Another group without which we could not have made significant advances in archaeology involves private and corporate supporters who, through the four decades of MPP’s existence, have made possible a number of ideas for which we have dared to dream.

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